Assistance With The SSDI Application | Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

Assistance With The SSDI Application in Mesa, AZ

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The thought of trying to obtain disability benefits while simultaneously suffering from health issues is a daunting thought. The stress of getting the health treatment that you need while trying to thoroughly fill out an SSDI application in Mesa is nearly impossible for many people to complete. Thankfully, you don’t have to go through this process alone, as our team at Slepian Smith Ellexson, PLLC is equipped with the necessary skills to help take the stress off of your plate. Whether your initial application was denied and you need assistance filing 

Who Qualifies for Benefits?

The Social Security Administration has a complete list of impairments referred to as the Blue Book that outlines approved conditions. The entire Blue Book is available online, making it easy to browse through and see if you meet the criteria for your approved condition. If you don’t see your impairment listed in the Blue Book, don’t panic, as it is not an extensive list of approved conditions. In order to qualify for disability benefits, you’ll need to prove to the Social Security Administration that your condition will last at least 12 months. 

In all cases, it’s important that you collect a sufficient amount of medical evidence from your medical provider to support your claims. How much medical evidence you need depends on your condition and your specific diagnosis. Diagnoses such as ALS or esophageal cancer will automatically qualify while others such as heart disease require more specific doctors’ exams and evaluations to better supplement your SSDI application in Mesa. 

How Our Team Can Help

In the case that your application doesn’t include enough medical evidence, you will automatically be denied disability benefits. Even if you are too sick to hold a job, the right evidence is key to the success of your case. Our team will work closely with your doctors in Mesa, asking them specific questions to help present your case in the best possible light. On your end, it’s important that you visit the doctor regularly and report specific symptoms to help prove that your condition is not getting any better. 

We Provide Free Case Evaluations

If you’re considering applying for Social Security disability benefits, it’s crucial that you act in a timely manner to kickstart the application process. Like many government-related tasks, obtaining benefits can take longer than you may think. Stay ahead of the stress and reach out to our team at Slepian Smith Ellexson, PLLC for assistance with your SSDI application in Mesa.

The firm has been in business for over 40 years

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Phoenix, AZ 85014
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