Social Security Disability Archives - Page 3 of 7 - Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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January is Thyroid Awareness Month, part 1

by Eric Slepian

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the base of the neck. What many people don’t realize is that this hormone-releasing gland controls the functionality of many of the body’s most important organs, including the brain, heart, liver, skin and kidneys. When the thyroid is working properly and releasing the correct amount of […]

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How do you know if you have a thyroid problem?

by Eric Slepian

Thyroid disease is a lot more common in the United States than most people realize. In fact, it is even more common than diabetes or heart disease, according to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. It is believed that up to 30 million Americans are affected by thyroid disease. However, what is alarming is that […]

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Three of the biggest myths about SSDI

by Eric Slepian

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) causes confusion among many people. Like a lot of government processes, misunderstandings and myths persist year after year. Today, we would like to debunk three of the most common myths we have heard about SSDI. Myth No. 1: SSDI replaces the income you were earning. Usually, SSDI only supplements the […]

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World AIDS Day is a good time to get educated, part 2

by Eric Slepian

As we began discussing in our last post, Dec. 1 was the 30th annual World AIDS Day – a time to raise awareness of the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic. In our first post, we discussed the three stages of HIV/AIDS and how blood or fluid testing is the only sure way to reveal if the virus […]

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World AIDS Day is a good time to get educated, part 1

by Eric Slepian

Dec. 1 was the 30th annual World AIDS Day, which was the first global health day and is intended to raise awareness of the worldwide HIV/AIDS epidemic. Here are five things to know about HIV/AIDS: 1. There are three stages of HIV/AIDS. The first stage is known as acute HIV infection, which occurs two to […]

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How casual references can minimize serious conditions

by Eric Slepian

We have probably all heard people say something like they were depressed because their favorite TV show ended or that a work project left them so confused they felt like they were having a stroke. Maybe it was a friend describing his or her own appreciation for neatness as being obsessive-compulsive disorder. While people might […]

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Understanding asthma in children and adults

by Eric Slepian

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that roughly 25 million people in the U.S. have asthma, and this number is increasing every year. Some people are born with asthma; others develop it due to environmental or lifestyle factors. Depending on when a person receives an asthma diagnosis, it could affect management and […]

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Why it is important to keep comprehensive medical records

by Eric Slepian

There are many challenges in applying for Social Security Disability benefits, including filling out paperwork, attending hearings and meeting deadlines. This is in addition to the fact that applicants are injured and trying to focus on recovery. The unfortunate reality is that the Social Security Administration rejects most initial applications. It is especially important as […]

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Application numbers are down but approvals are getting harder

by Eric Slepian

The number of workers claiming Social Security Disability benefits is going down. So much so, that this reverse has helped bring the program back from the verge of insolvency. Recent projections on the viability of the program now put it at 2032, which is four years later than previously thought as recently as last year. […]

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What is a CE and how can it affect my claim?

by Eric Slepian

Social Security Disability examiners generally like to have 12 months worth of medical treatment history from a treating physician when they make a determination. Unfortunately, disability applicants may not have the luxury of affording medical treatment, which means they do not have enough medical evidence for disability determination with the usual protocol. These examiners will […]

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