Social Security Disability Archives - Page 4 of 7 - Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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SSDI rules regarding speech disorders

by Eric Slepian

Impairment of one’s ability to speak is not the most common claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), but it does happen. These impairments can range from stuttering to lisps to the inability speak conversationally or at all. These may result from a complex or hard to diagnose neurological disorder or something more straightforward like […]

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Raising awareness of Alzheimer’s disease across the world

by Eric Slepian

During World Alzheimer’s Month in September, people are encouraged to learn more about this devastating disease and what we can do to help find a cure. Unfortunately, deaths related to Alzheimer’s disease have been increasing for more than a decade, and that is expected to continue. Considering what a serious problem this is, it is […]

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Why is it challenging to pursue benefits for back pain?

by Eric Slepian

Back pain is one of the most common conditions people experience, and there is no one cause of this type of condition. It can affect people who get into car accidents, people who suffer sports injuries and people with medical disorders that affect their bones or joints. There is no one type of back pain, […]

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Managing the long-term impact of sudden injuries

by Eric Slepian

Any type of serious medical condition has the potential to dramatically change a person’s life, from his or her mobility to cognitive functioning. It can be particularly troubling when a severe condition comes without warning; people must make instant adjustments and decisions they might not have ever anticipated. This is often the case after serious […]

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Intellectual disabilities: Not the same as learning disabilities

by Eric Slepian

In a previous post, we discussed the fact that the Social Security Administration (SSA) doesn’t always consider learning disabilities to be disabling for the purposes of benefits, especially for adults. However, it is important not to confuse learning disabilities with intellectual disabilities. The former refers to limitations on a person’s academic skills; the latter refers to […]

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Why you should always see a doctor

by Eric Slepian

Making a doctor’s appointments for every little ailment can seem tedious and unnecessary, but for those who are seeking Social Security Disability, a history of visits can be the difference between application approval and denial. In the event you become unable to work due to an injury or illness, you will need medical records stating […]

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Are learning disabilities eligible for disability benefits?

by Eric Slepian

Millions of adults and children across the country have been diagnosed with a learning disability, from dyslexia to language processing disorders. While it might seem as though a learning disability would be a disabling condition for the purposes of government benefits, the fact is that this is not always the case. Disability benefits and learning […]

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How blood disorders can affect a person’s life

by Eric Slepian

Hematological disorders, or disorders that affect a person’s blood, are among the many disorders that can drastically alter a person’s life. After a diagnosis of anemia, hemophilia or another disorder, a person typically needs to make important adjustments to his or her life to stay safe. Below, we examine some of these changes and discuss […]

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What to know about memory loss and disability benefits

by Eric Slepian

Memory loss is an incredibly troubling condition, not just for the people who suffer from it, but also for their loved ones. Whether it is the result of an isolated accident or a degenerative disease, memory loss can make it increasingly difficult for people to perform their usual functions and care for themselves. Below, we […]

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Chronic pain: difficult to measure, frustrating to treat

by Eric Slepian

“On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your pain level?” This question is one of the most subjective questions patients answer when they visit the doctor. It can also be one of the most important for people suffering from chronic pain, as the answer gives medical professionals a way to score that pain. […]

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