Our Blogs – Slepian Ellexson, PLLC


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What can I expect from the SSDI application process?

by Eric Slepian

Question: About ten years ago, I was in a serious accident. I was hurt pretty bad–in fact they weren’t sure I would make it. As a result of that accident, I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression and although I have taken two separate leaves of absence from work, the time away is not helping. […]

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Preparation Helpful for Social Security Disability Hearings

by Eric Slepian

If an Arizona resident of average working age is incapable of engaging in gainful employment tasks due to a physical or mental impairment, he or she may be eligible for certain benefits. The process involved in filing for Social Security disability benefits is often complex, and not every request is granted. If a particular claim […]

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4 Application Mistakes That Jeopardize Your Disability Benefits

by Eric Slepian

Suffering from a disabling injury or illness can turn your life upside down. You can be in and out of the hospital, struggling with depression and finding it all but impossible to provide for yourself and your family. This last point can be especially true if you are unable to work. Under these circumstances, you […]

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The firm has been in business for over 40 years

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Arizona Disability
Law Attorneys at

Slepian Ellexson, PLLC

3737 North 7th St., Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85014
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